Z-CoiL Blog

  • 5 Back Pain Prevention Tips for Hairdressers

    5 Back Pain Prevention Tips for Hairdressers

    Spending all day on your feet and in strenuous positions takes a toll on your body. Most people don't realize how much physical strain being a hairdresser involves. Between bending...

  • Pain-Fighting Tips & Tricks for Flat Feet

    Pain-Fighting Tips & Tricks for Flat Feet

    From long work shifts to daily wear and tear, it’s common for most people to experience foot pain. However, those with flat feet tend to experience it more often than...

  • 4 Tips To Avoid Painful Feet During Pregnancy

    4 Tips To Avoid Painful Feet During Pregnancy

    Carrying a baby is no easy task. Pregnancy affects your body in numerous ways, from swelling to hormonal spikes. Aside from your belly, your feet experience a large amount of...

  • How To Develop A Walking Habit

    At Z-CoiL, we believe that walking is living. Walking makes your body healthier, improves your mood and engages your mind.If you haven’t started walking regularly, it’s never too late to start....

  • 6 Signs You’re Wearing the Wrong Running Shoes

    6 Signs You’re Wearing the Wrong Running Shoes

    Jogging through trails and running on a treadmill offers numerous benefits to many people. It’s a sure-fire way to get the heart pumping. Like other activities, wearing inadequate footwear while...

  • The Many Benefits of Wearing Orthopedic Shoes

    The Many Benefits of Wearing Orthopedic Shoes

    Your feet are the unsung heroes of your body. Daily demands put them to work. They ensure you operate with a strong foundation that'll keep you upright and moving for...

  • 5 Tips To Protect Your Back as a Warehouse Worker

    5 Tips To Protect Your Back as a Warehouse Worker

    Working in a warehouse consists of a lot of intensive physical labor. Between moving weighted supplies and operating heavy machinery and equipment, many tasks on the job put your body...