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The Impossibles: Michelle Collins

Meet Michelle Collins. This lady has been through an impossible journey. But no matter what life threw at her, she continued fighting and she persevered.

When Michelle was 17 years old, she broke her lower back in a tragic accident. This unfortunate event led to a rough time in her twenties, and by the time she was 29, she was unable to walk at all. In fact, her husband had to support her and carry her around everywhere she went. She was even unable to work a full day because the pain would become so severe.

Then one day her husband heard about Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear while he was on a doctor’s visit. He thought it was impossible that footwear would be a valid solution for such a big issue, but he and Michelle decided to give Z-CoiLs a try when the doctor insisted. And boy, were they happy they did!

z-coil customer testimonial michelle

Ever since Z-CoiLs came into her life, Michelle has been a different person. She is now 45 years old, and she still struggles to walk without Z-CoiLs, but while wearing Z-CoiLs she is able walk freely and even work a full day. With a life change that drastic, it’s no wonder Michelle is such an advocate for the footwear we provide. When asked to describe Z-CoiLs, all she could say was, “What a lifesaver!”

We are so happy to know that Z-CoiLs are a huge part of Michelle’s impossible story, and stories like these motivate us at Z-CoiL to continually improve our product and deliver the best pain-relief footwear money can buy!

Try a pair out today and experience the relief you deserve! We promise you will wish you had done it sooner.