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How Does Z-CoiL Compare?

How Does Z-CoiL Compare to Other Pain Relief Shoes

Here at Z-CoiL, we are dedicated to reducing pain in aggravated feet everywhere. But to be perfectly honest, there are a lot of shoes and insoles on the market designed to that very same thing. Are we really any better than the next company? Why should customers cough up more money when spending less might do the job just fine? What does each brand name of shoe and insole offer their customers anyway?

These are excellent questions. Questions we hope people ask when they are shopping around for products that will ease the pain in their feet, ankles, knees, hips, etc. (Yes, the ankle bone really is connected to the shin bone—both anatomically, and with regard to referred pain!)

Information is King

If your feet are the source of physical pain for you, you should ask every question you can think of about the science of foot care. You should research how and why products are made, read customer reviews, and basically do what you need to do to find a pair of shoes that will work for you.

The very roots of our company are based in foot pain and all the side-effects it can cause. Our founder, Alvaro Gallegos, was an avid runner who wanted badly to keep running, but was suffering from several of the types of pain that come from using your feet hard: heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hip pain, and back pain. Considering he owned a shoe store, it should have been easy for him to get relief, but no—nothing on the market worked.

Frustrated, Al started developing his own shoe. He experimented and tested, and then experimented and tested some more, until he figured out the right combination of strategic support and cushioning that his feet needed to feel better. He patented his results and opened the doors of what is now Z-CoiL. Thus far, we’ve helped more than a million feet feel better and that number rises every day.

If you suffer from foot pain and any of its associated aches, pain, and injuries, take the time to research our products. You’ll be glad you did.

What Kind of Relief Do You Need?

What’s going on with your feet? Do you have:

  • plantar fasciitis,
  • heel spurs,
  • metatarsalgia,
  • knee pain, or
  • back pain?

Z-CoiL shoes can help with any of those common issues. We’ve tested them against many of the top performing shoes and insoles on the market today and we are proud to say we outperform them all.

We offer deep cushioning, adjustable arch support, adjustment for over-pronation or supination, a fantastic rocker sole, excellent energy return, and pain relief from the entire list of symptoms above. Quite simply, our patented design works!

Z-CoiL Comparison Chart to Other Comfort Shoes

If that column over on the right of the chart—you know the one I’m talking about—is giving you some heartburn, take a deep breath and relax. We have over a million feet backing up our claim to effective pain relief. Over a million feet and a 30-day risk-free guarantee that your feet will feel better wearing Z-CoiLs or we will give you your money back no matter what shape you return the shoes in.

Your feet and your comfort are worth investing in. We bet our reputation on it every day.