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National Men's Health Month

national mens health month

Did you know that June is National Men’s Health Month? At Z-CoiL, we’re passionate about the importance of being proactive about your health, and that’s what Men’s Health Month is trying to accomplish. Recognized by the White House in 2019, National Men’s Health Month is focused on raising awareness of preventable health problems in men and encourage early detection and treatment.

Let’s face it: men aren’t great at taking care of their health. Many of us grew up with a “rub some dirt on it and walk it off” mentality, but that doesn’t necessarily serve us well in a world of rising cancer diagnosis rates and longer-living populations, when catching health problems early is vital to successful treatment. Women are twice as likely to visit the doctor for checkups and preventative care. This means that men are much more likely to miss the early detection window for a variety of illnesses like diabetes and cancer; but with serious illnesses like these, every day counts.

Besides regular medical examinations and vigilant attention to bodily changes, staying active and exercising frequently is important for maintaining your health. One of the easiest ways to do that is going for a walk: it’s the mode of movement our bodies were designed for, it’s free, you can do it anywhere and anytime, and it gets you out of the house. Wearing the right footwear is important for getting the most out of walking, though: shoes that don’t properly support your feet and body can lead to injuries over time. That’s why Z-CoiLs are designed to support you and reduce the impact of each stride, lowering the stress of walking and running.

Men’s health isn’t just physical, though: men tend to downplay mental health problems due to social pressure and cultural ideas of masculinity. Seeking help can feel like admitting weakness, however much it’s needed, which often serves to make mental health problems worse. This phenomenon is widespread and increasingly fatal: men are 3.5 times more likely to commit suicide than women, and the rate of suicide is highest among middle-aged white men. Making use of mental health resources and finding a therapist or counselor are important steps for mental health, whether or not you’re currently experiencing a crisis.

Join us in observing National Men’s Health Month and being proactive about male health! Preventable illnesses are exactly that: don’t fall victim to your own stubbornness. It’s time to take your health seriously. Take the first step with a pair of Z-CoiL walking shoes and build a new, healthy habit for yourself of walking every day.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please visit suicidepreventionlifeline.orgor call 800-273-8255.

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