Ugly has never looked so good! London’s Fall 2018 fashion week just wrapped up and Scottish designer Christopher Kane loudly proclaimed his love of Z-CoiL shoes by dressing them up and sending them down the runway as one of this year’s hottest fashion trends.
Kane is an advocate of the “ugly shoe,” and has liked Z-CoiLs for a while now.
“I have been a long admirer of the Z-CoiL Brand. I was first in contact with them about six years ago, but it didn’t work out. I’m happy I waited, as I think the ugly shoe is more accepted today than it was back when I did my pool slide collection for SS’12. I love that they have broadened their archive too; they really are remarkable shoes.”
Why Ugly Shoes?
inspires one of the world’s fashion leaders to embrace ugly shoes?
Aren’t fashion designers supposed to be all about getting just the right
look by this season’s definitions? Think of some of the crazy trends
we’ve seen come and go over the years. Shoulder pads out to here. Skirt
lengths just so. Pant legs flared or narrowed, as the designers dictate.
Lapel lines strictly following this year’s rules.
In a word—practicality. Here’s what Kane says about them.
“I always like to have something a bit off within my collections so the Z-CoiL styles are just perfect; they look so modern but have a weirdness that is very appealing to me. The engineering behind the coil itself is just genius. There is no other shoe on the market that comes close to the Z-CoiL. I love that they are built to function and not for aesthetic purposes. Isn’t that refreshing? I think that’s why I love them so much. They’re prim, perverse and playful all at the one time.”
Unabashed functionality. That’s Z-CoiL to a T. There are plenty of brand names out there that design shoes that don’t work for your feet but that look very stylish. In fact, putting vanity before comfort is one of the reasons Z-CoiLs have such an avid following. Many of our customers spent years wearing shoes that weren’t good for their feet and now they’re paying the price in pain and inflammation.
Get Functional!
Z-CoiL is here for you with years of patented engineering that we guarantee will help your foot pain. Whether you bedazzle your Z-CoiLs with crystals and wear them down the fashion runway or just wear them to the hardware store, we have a 30-day risk free guarantee that says you’ll love how they feel. Whether you wear them out to a black-tie event or hiking; shopping or to work; out to impress your millions of fans or in to impress yourself, Z-CoiL has a shoe for you.
Our line of styles includes the Legend Velcro that Kane made so much use of on the runway, as well as clogs, sandals, work boots, hiking boots, and sneakers. Cover your coils with a chunky heel or let everyone see them, the choice is yours.
Your comfort and health should win at the end of the day. If you like how a fashion trend looks and it doesn’t hurt you, then by all means follow it. Go for it! But most importantly, take care of you. Give your feet what they need to feel good day in and day out. Come see what all the fuss is about at Z-CoiL.