What is a toe box? The toe box is the part of the shoe that covers, surrounds and protects the toes of the foot and the bones behind the toes.

Most manufacturers design the toe box along with the rest of the shoe to be fashionable based on their market. Having a toe box that is not wide enough can cause a multitude of problems including Morton's Neuroma, bunions, blisters, corns, callouses, black & bruised toenails, ingrown toenails, hammertoes and claw toes. Most dress shoes, casual shoes and even athletic shoes are designed with no regard for the damage that the tight toe box will inflict on the forefoot of the foot.
Z-CoiL® Pain Relief Footwear® are designed ergonomically to fit the foot as it is naturally.

Our toe box was built with a little extra width so that the toes and bones behind the toes have room to lay comfortably while walking or standing without being squished. Nearly all people's feet get wider with age, so if you are wearing the same size shoes you wore in your youth, you are probably wearing a shoe that is too small. Our feet become longer and wider with age, as the tendons and ligaments that connect the bones lose their elasticity. This causes the toes to spread out and the arch of the foot to flatten. A person's feet will also widen with weight gain or pregnancy. Our mantra here is to fit the shoe to the foot you have, not squish the foot to fit the shoe! Our toe box runs a D width in most of our shoes. If your foot measures a B, C, D or E on a Brannock device, your forefoot will fit our footwear just fine. Although we made the toe box a little wider than normal, we did not make the heel any wider as the one big bone of the heel does not stretch or flatten for any reason.

When going into a store to find a pair of shoes, we recommend that you try on both shoes and wear them around in the store for at least five minutes. Your feet naturally stretch in the walking process so if you simply stand in the shoes, you will not know if your toes are going to hit the front of the shoe. Repeated rubbing of the toes on the inside of the front of the shoe will cause ingrown toenails, toenail loss and a host of other potential problems. Our recommendation is that you have at minimum 1/2" room between the end of your tallest toe to the inside of the front of the shoe.

Visit our website www.zcoil.com to learn more about the company Z-CoiL® Footwear and how the shoe technology was invented to relieve pain. We have received many testimonials from people with forefoot pain who have been helped and we can help you too! We guarantee forefoot pain relief or we will give you a full refund.
World’s Leading Pain Relief Footwear