Heel Spurs
Heel Spur Syndrome is where the plantar fascia ligament becomes stretched or bruised, inflamed, and painful, generally in the heel area. A heel spur is calcified tissue at the junction of the plantar ligament and the heel bone. Both of these conditions are the result of the plantar fascia ligament becoming stretched or bruised and beginning to pull away from the bone in the heel area. How can Z-CoiL® Pain Relief Footwear® help these problems? The rigid Z-Orthotic acts as a splint; pressure is not localized at the heel but is spread over a wider area of the foot and excess movement in the foot is stabilized. This prevents the plantar ligament from over-stretching, addressing the cause of the problems. The coil also dramatically reduces pressure during the impact of heel strike, producing pain relief as reported by many customers.

Watch this video to see why you might be suffering from heel pain or heel spurs and how Z-CoiL footwear can be the alternative medicine, non-surgery, drug-free guaranteed solution to your heel spur problem.
Well I bought my Z-Coil shoes in the summer of 2008 and still wearing the but I wore out in insoles. I always wore New Balance shoes for work and when I went to Tulsa, OK as a Respiratory Therapist, there were nurses wearing Z-Coil shoes. So I went to the uniform store and bought a pair. This is the best pair on work shoes I have ever had. There has been $1300 worth of New Balance shoes that I haven't had to buy for work. Everyone ask me about my shoes. I tell them this is best shoe I've ever had. I have tried since 2008 to get my wife to buy a pair, she is a ICU nurse but she wouldn't listen. About 4mos ago she went to a foot Dr. and found out she has a BIG heel spur and her feet were killing her. I told her we were go to go buy a pair of Z-Coil, so we drove a 110 miles one way to Erie, Pa. and bought them. Two or three weeks later her heel pain is gone, she still needs surgery to remove the spur but she is able to work pain free till then. I said I told you so, now we are both Z-Coil customers like me forever.
Keith P
I recently had my left knee replaced and I thought that was life changing. Nothing could have prepared me for how much better I feel since I have been wearing Z-CoiLs. I no longer get tired five minutes after walking into a store because of my flat feet and heel spurs. These shoes have worked a miracle in my life. Can't wait to buy more pairs!
Wanda J Louisville, Kentucky
I began to have foot pain upon waking and throughout the day 10 years ago. As a teacher, I am always on the go! A doctor diagnosed me with severe heel spurs and plantar fasciitis and suggested stretches, night splints, advil, cortisone shots, custom orthotics- the works. None of these options gave me complete relief. Luckily, I knew a co-worker with similar foot complaints and she suggested Z-CoiLs. At first, I thought they were odd looking and maybe even a tripping hazard... and then I put my first pair on my feet. It was pure heaven from that day forward! I now own 10 pairs and wear them daily. I have spent a week in Florida at Disney, climbed mountain sides in Utah and walked all of Amsterdam with no foot pain. I am always ready to head out again for the next adventure- and I owe it all to Z-CoiLs.
Liz D Katy, Texas
I have battled plantar fasciitis and four heel spurs for many years, being overweight and always working on concrete floors. Recently I developed a ganglion cyst on top of my foot as well from a stress fracture. All on one foot! I would come home from work literally hobbling and in tears because the pain was so intense. I would soak my feet in ice water to reduce the inflammation and do all the stretches required to relieve the pain, but nothing eased my problems. I have had professional orthotics made and tried many over the counter orthotics and name brand shoes as well...even duct tape. Then I discovered z-coil shoes. The first day that I wore them to work my knees kept popping and my ankles would pop...even my back when I sat down for lunch crunched multiple times. My whole body was realigning from years of abuse. My feet still hurt a lot though because I needed adjustments made. I returned to the store and they have done adjustments two times to my shoes. I have been wearing them for about a month now and I am now about 90% pain-free. I still continue to stretch my tendons which are healing slowly but no longer do ice soaks and I have no more tears and hobbling. Each day I become stronger and more pain-free. I have even become more active and I have lost over 30 lbs. in the last month. I thank God everyday that these shoes are available and that they are a true "tool" to the working individual. I cannot wait to get another pair. I advocate these shoes everywhere that I go and I boldly advise those that are having pain from your knees, back, ankles, to problematic feet to get these shoes. Don't be afraid of there appearance either, they draw a little bit of attention, but mostly just curiosity from those that have never seen them before. They are my shoes for life! I wouldn't be able to continue working and providing for my family if it weren't for Z-CoiL shoes. Thank you so much for taking the time to create a shoe that actually helps people improve their way of life!
Carla S Brazil, Indiana
Back in February I had a heel spur that made it extremely painful to walk. I met Bob who told me about Z-CoiL and I was willing to try anything to ease the pain. Well Bob was right. I am now pain free and owe it all to him and Z-Coil. Thank you Bob!
Gerry S West palm Beach, Florida
I am a correctional officer for the NC DOC. Our shifts are 12 hours long and most of that time is spent on our feet on concrete. When I worked a three-day stretch, my heels would feel just like two nails were being driven into them and my knees had started to ache and I would have occasional back stiffness. I tried all kinds of insoles in my 5.11's duty boots, I bought Rocky's duty shoes, NB 926's and Rockport Prowalker, none of which really relieved my pain. I purchased a pair of Z-CoiL Z-Duty boots after my nephew had tried a pair at his new warehouse job and recommended I try them. It was a great improvement immediately, and after 3 weeks I am very impressed. I believe my feet and heels actually healed during that time. I now work the three-day, 12-hour shifts and my feet feel as good at the end of the third night as they did at the beginning of the first morning. They draw plenty of comments and remarks, but when I go home with my feet, heels, legs and back feeling good after 12 hours of pounding the concrete, I don't really care what anyone says. I have since purchased a pair of Z-Walkers with the slip-resistant soles for casual wear and I hope to soon add more to my wardrobe. My wife now has the Freedoms in black and a pair of the blue and white. It's hard to believe the difference these boots and shoes have made. I have and will recommend them to anyone who inquires. My only complaint is that I have to remove them at my job to go through the metal detector, but a minute of inconvenience is worth hours of pain-free walking and standing. Thanks, Z-CoiL.
Lloyd D Statesville, North Carolina
My heels were hurting and the front part of my foot was hurting. Several doctors kept telling me I needed surgery. After wearing Z-CoiL shoes for two weeks, all the pain was gone. These work better than Shape Ups, even though they are similar.
Liz O California
To all the healthcare people out there, these are the shoes for you. I have a torn Achilles tendon and a heel spur, and am also a nurse. The pain was unbelievable until I found Z-CoiL shoes. Well worth the money when you think about the alternative (surgery). I highly recommend them.
Pamela L Erwin, Tennessee
I have a bone spur which caused excruciating pain, making it difficult to exercise. I bought a pair of Z-CoiL footwear, and it's the best money I have ever spent on shoes.
Cheryl N Mattapan, Massachusetts
I am sure my testimonial reads like so many others, but I felt I needed to share it, hoping it will help anyone who's looking into buying Z-CoiL shoes. In 2003, during my fourth pregnancy, I was found to be in preterm labor. I was only 16.5 weeks pregnant. I was placed on bed-rest for 20 weeks. After having a beautiful baby girl I went back to work. I noted right away I was in terrible shape. My left heel burned and over the months started to swell. As the years progressed, I suffered much pain and swelling until I could barely put a shoe on. I sought out help and was placed in new orthotics and new shoes. Some relief came, but I worked 12-hour shifts and struggled with pain on and off. In 2008 I had started training for a marathon. My heel wasn't to terrible until hours after I ran. It swelled and was very tender. All the doctors said stretch, stretch, stretch! I did all of the time. After I ran my marathon in January 2009, I suffered terrible spasms in my heel and along the sides. The tendon was so painful that I would stand with my foot on its side or leaning on the other. My left calf muscle shrank and became soft. My Achilles tripled in size. I couldn't wear closed back shoes. I couldn't exercise and I started suffering from hip pain. In 2010 I found out I had a tear in the cartilage of right hip. I needed to have surgery and that would put me on crutches for 6 weeks, putting all of my weight on my left foot...and that Achilles would swell more. While out of work for 10 weeks, I visited a shoe store and told this women my story. I was still on crutches. I told her I was 45, a mother of four, a nurse in an ICU, and in horrible pain. I was taking Neurontin for the spasms, pain medication 2x a day, and unable to exercise. I tried every shoe, received Prolotherapy shots, and nothing helped. She told me to come back when off crutches and try on the Z-CoiL shoes. I walked around her store for an hour and finally bought a pair. When I returned to work after 10 weeks, I jumped right back into my 12-hour shifts and for four months I have not had heel pain except for one day. I walked around the zoo the day before and was not wearing them. I only bought a pair for work. I am now going to buy a pair for everyday wear. I will tell you that having a massage therapist work some of that scar tissue out helped reduce the swelling ( I went weekly for 10 weeks) but my tendon was so shredded and so painful until I started wearing these shoes. I almost looked for an office job. I love my job as a cardiovascular ICU nurse. I am good at it and I almost lost it because I could not function with the pain and spasms. I cried every day. Please, if you have pain like mine, know it can and will destroy your life. I would rather wear these shoes all day and move than be crippled at 45. My kids need me! I get stopped a lot by my patients and their families asking about my shoes. It's a conversation starter for sure! One patient called me Tigger. It fits!
Robin O Tallahassee, Florida
Almost seven years ago, my right knee hurt so badly that I could hardly walk. I went limping with a lot of pain to the nearest (former) Z-CoiL dealer in Ventura, California. When I put on a pair of Black Freedoms and stood up to try walking, my right knee pain VANISHED INSTANTLY! IT WAS A MIRACLE! I tried to walk more to check if there would be some pain left. I was so surprised by that instant, pain-free feeling. Some Z-Coil customers who were there warned me that after having a little experience wearing them, I'll be hooked for good, like them! Hooked is not only the word for me, but OBSESSION! Since then, I only wear Z-CoiL shoes for all occasions: casual, semi-dress, formal, and even at home. Two years before I had the bad knee pain and before I bought my first pair of Z-CoiL shoes, I had been visiting the Ventura dealer from time to time to find out who their customers were, and why they were there. I found out that there were some Chiropractors who were using Z-CoiL shoes and recommending them to their patients. There were some doctors and nurses using them and they claimed that Z-CoiL shoes helped them tremendously with pains in their backs, necks, shoulders, knees and feet due to standing most of the time and the demands of their work. There were construction workers, restaurant servers and people with different backgrounds and occupations that had issues of pain in their bodies. According to them, wearing Z-CoiL shoes helped them get rid of a lot of their body pains. There were also some that were wearing Z-CoiLs just to prevent future body pains. Of course, they also mentioned that having a healthy lifestyle is a part of the package of being healthy. I had a friend who had severe heel pain from large bone spurs in both of her heels. She couldn't walk--she had to tiptoe. I suggested going to the dealer and trying on some Z-CoiL shoes to see if hey could help her. As soon as she put on her first pair, she could instantly walk without feeling the pain caused by the bone spurs. From then on, she has only worn Z-Coil Shoes because, according to her, they work. Thank you to the inventor of Z-CoiL and its marvelous, low-impact technology! More power to you and Z-CoiL!
Sonie P Santa Paula, California
In the summer of 2009, I developed severe pain on the inner side of my right heel. I had been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis over 10 years before, but responded well to custom orthotics and never had another problem. This new pain felt and behaved quite differently. However, my podiatrist was insistent it was a plantar fasciitis flare and I went through a prolonged course of physical therapy, cortisone injections, etc., which all made the pain worse, not better. He finally wanted to perform surgery. Instead I went for a second opinion, who decided I had loose ligaments and needed prolotherapy, but admitted it might not help. A third specialist indicated that the problem was due to my high arches and recommended a brand of clogs that didn't help at all. Six months into this painfuI restriction to my active life, I finally tried Z-CoiLs, as I had some friends who had worn them in the dogs sports in which I compete. There was immediate improvement and within 3 months the pain was completely gone and has never returned. I can run dog agility again with no problem, spend a week on my feet at herding camp, and all day long hiking, with no problems. I am a huge fan of Z CoiLs and own 5 pair now! I rarely wear anything else. Thank you so much for giving me my life back. They will be making appearances on my feet at the big Eukanuba Invitational Dog Show in December 2010 and at the AKC Agility Nationals in April 2011!
Dr. Joni F Colorado Springs, Colorado
Since I purchased my first pair of Z-CoiL shoes, I have been able to stop purchasing new orthotics every two years (a cost of $400.00 for which we have no insurance), and as long as I wear my Z-CoiL shoes daily, the circulation challenge in both feet and legs disappears. I have the largest heel spurs my foot doctor has ever seen, which no longer ache. I used to have plantar fasciitis, which made it quite painful to walk. Need I say how impressed I am with your revolutionary product And the savings are significant. Two pairs of walking shoes to wear the orthotics in, at $75.00 each, comes to $150.00 each year. No foot doctor bills either. I have been wearing Z-CoiL walking shoes for one full year at a cost of $220.00, and they will last me three years, according to the person who told me about their Z-CoiL shoes. What I would have spent per 3-year period was: $450.00 for 6 pairs of good shoes $600.00 for orthotics $100.00 for doctor co-pays For a grand total of: $1,740.00 This does not take into consideration my time and car expenses. Nor can the pain I avoided be assigned a monetary value. All I did was pay $220.00 for this 3-year period for healthy feet and legs. The savings of $1,520.00 for wearing comfortable, healthy, pain-free feet and legs is incomparable anywhere. Their very sturdy build allows them to continue to look almost brand new when I polish them,and I use these all spring, summer and fall for much gardening in my yard. When I think of it, it is almost like I am being paid to wear what's really great for me!
JoanMary T Seymour, Connecticut
I bought a pair of Sidewinder Sandals and went "south to America" (left Alaska for Washington state). I've already had one knee replaced (arthritis) and the other one probably in a year. I have extreme flat feet, one Morton's Neuroma removed and another starting, and a heel-spur. Am in PT for the replaced knee over 1 1/2 years later. So the sandals were just the thing, especially in the heat east of the Cascades. However, at least for me, I do have to use them only on relatively smooth, flat surfaces. I cannot use them on rough gravel roads or in the very rough forest on unimproved trails. A ramp or stairs are fine, but I don't get enough ankle support on tilted surfaces. They also do work for extended driving - the 2500 miles from Seattle to the Kenai Peninsula. You just use common sense concerning floor-mats and pedals! With that caveat, they were life-savers!
Leif J Kasilof, Alaska
I have been wearing Z-CoiL shoes for the past three years. I had been experiencing pain with heel spurs and lower back pain. I work at a casino so I am on my feet for more than 8 eights hours a day. Unfortunately, since they are so expensive I can only buy a pair once a year at tax time. I feel a lot of pain when I wear my regular shoes to work. My feet have a burning, hurt feeling in them and my lower back and legs hurt as well. I will be getting me another pair in a couple of weeks. They may be a lot, but they are worth it. I would not trade them for the world.
Janis S Montgomery, Alabama
I am a RN in a hospital setting. I am on my feet most of my 12 hour shifts and before I had my Z-CoiL shoes, my feet hurt all the time. After work, I would get home and take my Nikes off and my heels would be so tender to the touch that it would almost make me scream! I was not able to walk first thing when I got up in the morning after working a long week. My Z-CoiL shoes radically changed all that. After getting used to the increased arch support my feet gradually begin to stop hurting. Now I can stand and walk around my whole 12 hour shift and my feet never hurt. Thank you, Z-CoiL, for making my work environment comfortable again.
Tiger M Ruston, Louisiana
My name is JoAnn L. I just wanted to say thank you for these wonderful shoes. I have plantar fasciitis and bone spurs in my heels and a high arch. I have seen doctors and spent hundreds of dollars on other products with no change and no relief. I bought Z-CoiL shoes and I kept wearing them, breaking them in. Now, I am 95% pain free! I am still breaking them in and believe the relief will be even better. Anyone thinking of buying these, remember you may need to break them in and get used to them, once you do you will be pain free. Thank you Z-CoiL for a wonderful product!!
JoAnn K L Dayton, Nevada
I saw my first pair of Z-CoiL shoes almost 5 years ago. It was then that I tried a pair on and was immediately hooked. Being on my feet everyday, walking upwards of 5-7 miles per day as a Security Manager, I needed reliable, comfortable footwear that would hold up to the demand as well as support my knees and back. I still have that same pair I purchased almost 5 years ago! I've worn them exclusively 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. They JUST now look as though they need heel and rubber sole replacement, but the quality of the overall shoe has remained virtually the same and will go many, many more miles and years. The benefit you receive far outweighs the initial cost - which has been kept very reasonable considering the state of our economy. Buy with confidence; you'll get hooked like I did. Thank you Z-CoiL!
G. L. L Aliso Viejo, California
I work in the ER on 12 hour shifts. When I wear my Z-CoiL shoes the long hours do not bother me. If I wear regular walkers (New Balance, Nike, etc) after 6 hours my back is shot and I can barely move from the pain. I am 55 years old and have had 2 back surgeries, bad knees and heel spurs. These shoes are all I wear except when I ride my motorcycle (then it is boots). Thank you,
Rick N Vine Grove, Kentucky
I began having back problems several years ago and was going to the chiropractor up to thirteen times a year! My husband saw a lady with Z-CoiL shoes and asked her about them. Although they sounded like they would help, I told him they were much too expensive (I was used to buying the cheap $10-$20 discount store pairs). In 2008, I grew tired of spending all my quality time at the chiropractor's office and I met yet another lady who had the same Z-CoiL shoes. I decided to give them a try. The first thing I noticed, my legs did not hurt anymore, however my back was still stiff. I kept wearing my Z-CoiL shoes and my back pain decreased. Two months later, I did an experiment and wore my regular Nike shoes that I had purchased several months before at a whopping $60. BIG MISTAKE! My back was so stiff the next day I thought, "Oh no! Here we go again to the Chiropractor". So I went back to wearing my Z-CoiL's; no chiropractor. The store we had been going to in Miamisburg had closed and we had to go to the next closest store in Piqua. What a treat and it was well worth the drive! The owners Ron and Tina are great. Ron spent so much time with me, fitting me and asking me questions, and making me feel as if we had known each other for a long time. I sure hope you will give them special recognition for doing such a great job as I will go there in two years when I get my third pair. My first pair was $200 two years ago. I figured $100 a year or $50 every six months. (And I thought I was blowing my budget with the one pair of Nike's!) Z-CoiL shoes have saved me money and saved me time. I recommend Z-CoiL shoes to anyone who is tired of hurting. It is a personal investment in me that I decided to make - and one that I had to TRY ON to believe. I am so glad that I did because this really is the shoe for me. I LOVE Z-COIL! I am going to suggest it to my company as a possible way to cut their healthcare costs because I believe in them THAT much. I work for Kroger and I am on concrete 40 hours a week doing customer service. These shoes have helped make my job more enjoyable. Thank you for creating Z-CoiL shoes and please recognize both Ron and Tina in Piqua, Ohio. Sincerely
Betty O Wilmington, Ohio
I was telling friends how my Z-CoiL shoes have completely eliminated my back pain! The pain was SO BAD that after standing all day on asphalt to watch my grandson’s graduation in the Marines, I had to go home and lay in bed instead of celebrating with the family that evening. I first saw Z-CoiL when I visited my daughter in Arizona and her friend had a pair of Z-CoiL shoes on. She is a nurse and said she would never wear another shoe other than Z-CoiL. I thought I could use something like that, but never went further with the idea. Around Christmas time, I couldn’t even stand for an hour without having to lay in bed with pain killers for 2+ hours. My husband even had to do our grocery shopping, since shopping was an excruciatingly painful chore for me. Something had to be done. Instead of going to more doctors, I found a Z-CoiL store in Georgia and bought a pair of Bella’s. In less than 2 weeks of wearing my Bella’s, I was standing on my hard kitchen floor and baking cookies for 4 hours with NO PAIN! I did not have to retire to my bedroom to rest, instead I sat down with my feet up for 30 minutes. I wear my Z-CoiL shoes daily! Now it is almost April and I have not had an ounce of back pain since I put Z-CoiL’s on. These shoes are truly amazing! They look a little odd, yes, but you can't get me out of them!!! From being barely able to walk or stand on any surface, to now being able to walk with total freedom; what price can you put on that None. I can never thank you enough for your wonderful shoes and for giving me back my mobility and joy in life! Thank you so very much!
Linda T Lawrenceville, Georgia
I purchased the Z-CoiL Z-Walkers in brown leather for work in Oct 2009 in Nashville, TN. I have worn them almost everyday since. I am very happy with the quality of the shoes. They wear very well. As of Mar 2010, I hardly see any signs of wear on the tread and only creases in the leather upper. Unfortunately, I still have plantar fasciitis, but when I wear Z-CoiL shoes, I don't have pain. If I don't wear Z-CoiL shoes, I have pain. I have had chronic plantar fasciitis for at least 15 years. I had surgery 2 years ago on one foot, which seemed to make it worse. I'm glad I found, tried, and purchased Z-CoiL shoes; otherwise I don't think I would be walking as much as I do. I have purchased two more pairs for the summer (tennis shoes and sandals). Thank you,
Becky J Painesville, Ohio
I bought a pair of Z-CoiL shoes in the summer of 2008 and I just love them!! My husband told me to go a Z-CoiL Store, and practically made me try a pair of them on. Once I did, and walked around the store for about 10 minutes, I was SOLD on them. They were so comfortable that I didn't want to take them off! I have really bad feet because I have no padding on the bottoms of my feet; so my feet hurt all the time, but not while I'm wearing Z-CoiL shoes! I work on my feet all day at Wal-Mart and these shoes really do put a spring in my step! At the end of the day, I'm not as tired as I used to be before wearing these shoes! Anyone who has foot problems and/or has to be on their feet all day long should invest in a pair of Z-CoiL shoes! You won't be sorry! Thank you,
Janet R Springfield, Missouri
Visit our website www.zcoil.com to learn more about the company Z-CoiL® Footwear and how the shoe technology was invented to relieve pain. We have received many testimonials from people with heel pain or heel spurs who have been helped and we can help you too! We guarantee heel pain or heel spur relief or we will give you a full refund.
World’s Leading Pain Relief Footwear