FIND YOUR PAIR What Does it Take to Be a Successful Entrepreneur? What sets your brand apart? What is viral about your brand that people want to talk about with friends and family? Often the entrepreneur can sell to just about anyone, but growing a brand requires sales when the entrepreneur is not there. Create tactics and training so your people, website and promotional tools can sell as well as you. Your brand is what your consumers say about you when you are not there. Why are you doing what you're doing? People will follow you if they believe you have a good reason for being in business. Be clear about your “why” and share your “why”. See Simon Sinuk's Ted talk on “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”. You can create shortcuts to success by listening to seasoned entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs love business and are more than willing to help you get on your feet. Most people downplay and dismiss other people’s ideas. Don’t let this stop you in your entrepreneurial dream. Being an entrepreneur is all about resiliency. We were told hundreds of time that Z-CoiL would never work. Most companies are restricted by their owners. This is a hard but true statement. Do you have the strength to ask for the needs of your company? Do you have the strength to build a team and find the best talent in your community? Are you able to listen, hear and accept criticism and course correct to help your company? And remember, your friends at Z-CoiL say "GO FOR IT!" Let us know if we can help!