We're Celebrating Entrepreneurship - Join Us!


What Does it Take to Be a Successful Entrepreneur?

  • What sets your brand apart?
  • What is viral about your brand that people want to talk about with friends and family?

  • Often the entrepreneur can sell to just about anyone, but growing a brand requires sales when the entrepreneur is not there.
  • Create tactics and training so your people, website and promotional tools can sell as well as you.
  • Your brand is what your consumers say about you when you are not there.

  • Why are you doing what you're doing?
  • People will follow you if they believe you have a good reason for being in business.
  • Be clear about your “why” and share your “why”.
  • See Simon Sinuk's Ted talk on “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”.

  • You can create shortcuts to success by listening to seasoned entrepreneurs.
  • Most entrepreneurs love business and are more than willing to help you get on your feet.

  • Most people downplay and dismiss other people’s ideas. Don’t let this stop you in your entrepreneurial dream.
  • Being an entrepreneur is all about resiliency.
  • We were told hundreds of time that Z-CoiL would never work.

  • Most companies are restricted by their owners. This is a hard but true statement.
  • Do you have the strength to ask for the needs of your company?
  • Do you have the strength to build a team and find the best talent in your community?
  • Are you able to listen, hear and accept criticism and course correct to help your company?

And remember, your friends at Z-CoiL say "GO FOR IT!" Let us know if we can help!

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