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Mobility - How Z-CoiL Keeps You Active

Mobility - How Z-CoiL Keeps You Active

Anybody who has ever tried to maintain a physically active lifestyle knows that it can really wear on a body. It doesn’t seem to matter which physical activity you love to do, something will start hurting after a while. You run, you jump, stop and start quickly, twist and strain, and pound out a steady rhythm of impact on your body in nearly every activity or sport on the planet. Pretty soon you strain a joint or one of your tendons inflames, you develop shin splints or your low back starts to spasm. Next thing you know, something hurts. And that hurt spreads to other body parts before you’ve even figured out how to manage it.

How frustrating! You’re only trying to do your body a favor by staying in shape. (Not to mention physical activity is fun...)

Is Rest the Only Alternative?

People who resist physical activity, either because their body needs to heal or because they have some physical weakness that they are worried will be exacerbated by exercise, are no better off. While rest may seem like a good idea when you have activity-based injuries, rest itself is not the answer.

Studies show that inactivity—physical disuse—also leaves a person in pain, but for completely different reasons than activity does. Your nervous system doesn’t function properly when you are sedentary, leaving you with slower mental acuity, and tendencies toward depression and anxiety. Your cardiovascular system weakens, leaving you with higher blood pressure and lower oxygen levels. And your muscles atrophy and lose their tone and elasticity.

All of those things contribute to conditions like chronic pain and depression; a poor result for someone who is just trying to avoid hurting their body or heal from an injury.

There Must Be a Good Solution!

Bodies are made to move. Movement without injury is the solution to both of these problems. Exercise has been proven to help everything from our balance, to how well we sleep, to how mobile we are as we age. We need to get out there and get active! And then we need to stay active.

The trick is, we need to move without injuring ourselves. Our feet take the brunt of impact when we work out, so proper foot care is one of the biggest things you can do to keep yourself active. Get a good pair of shoes that give your feet what they need. Shoes that 1) cushion impact, and 2) provide support will help everything from your toes up when you leap into action.

Z-CoiL opened its doors for the sole purpose of keeping people moving without pain. Our owner himself suffered from many of the activity-related injuries that come with being an avid runner. In building shoes that helped his own pain and got him back into action, he built shoes that do the same for others. Our shoes, sandals, and boots sell all over the world, and our clients tell us regularly that because of Z-CoiL, they can move pain-free again. Z-CoiL gives them their mobility back.

Invest in your health. Z-CoiL can help. Stop by our site and read our client testimonials and browse through our shoe styles. A pain-free active life is possible!

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