Z-CoiL Blog

  • Mall Walking: The Perfect Winter Exercise

    Welcome to 2019, ya’ll, here’s to all of us! No matter what the balance of our bank account, who we vote for, what kind of music we like, or what...

  • Setting the Right Resolutions

    It’s almost 2019, are you excited? Do you have your new years resolutions all ready to go? Surely this year you’ll get it right. Choose just the perfect resolutions that...

  • How Much Water is Enough?

    There seems to be much debate over how much water we’re supposed to drink. The answer used to be eight glasses (64 oz.) per day, but nowadays the answer isn’t...

  • Best Time to Shop for Holiday Gifts

    The holiday shopping season gets just plain nuts sometimes! You know how it goes, everyone sing along…Strings of street lights, even stoplightsBlinking bright red and greenAs the shoppers rush home...

  • Trick or Treat?! Getting Ready for Halloween Night

    Ah, Halloween! The night when otherwise normal children are suddenly transformed (with the help of mom and dad’s pocketbook) into ghosts and goblins, superheroes and vampires. Instead of the usual...

  • Ankles: A Complex Structure

    Ankles are wonderfully put together joints that make sure the powerful movements from our leg muscles direct our feet to run, jump, walk, climb, hop, squat, and dance our way...

  • The Importance of Proper Work Footwear

    The average full-time employee spends 2,080 hours of their year at work. That’s about half the typical person’s waking hours.There are people whose job requires them to sit for long...

  • Healthy Eating Habits

    Here at Z-CoiL, we’re all about being healthy. We want people to live their best so they can stay strong and active. And we believe in capitalizing on all the...

  • Staying on Track After Your Vacation

    Aren’t vacations great? All the plans and reservations are made and you finally get to go visit that place you’ve dreamed of. What a blast!Then it’s time to go home....

  • Posture's Importance

    Here at Z-CoiL, we spend a lot of time talking about the importance of your shoes. Of course we do, it’s what we do for a living! We’ve spent years...

  • Fashion vs. Function

    Why oh why can’t all those fashionable shoes in the world be comfortable and good for your feet as well? It seems like a shame to not buy that sweet...

  • How to Have Fun this 4th of July

    Independence Day celebrates the United States’ declaration of independence from England. The drafters of the declaration document started working on it on July 2, and by July 4, 1776, had...